More students are graduating out of the country’s tertiary institutions especially colleges and Universities, but the workforce cannot accommodate for these increasing demands of job seekers year in and year out. With the limited opportunities for employment and industrial trainings for these graduates however, the National Cultural Commission is offering on job internship training programme at such critical period providing the opportunity for these students to enhance their knowledge and skills to prepare for their endeavors.
The National Cultural commission have trained, develop and mentor students through its industrial training pathway development programme. This year, National Commission has committed to increase the numbers of intakes in alignment with its restructure to enforce its manpower through human resource development which is an important aspect for the organization and industry growth and prosperity.
This was the key message made by the Executive Director Steven Enomb Kilanda during the farewell ceremony of two students Elijah Bartho and Clariza Kwembukie from the School of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Papua New Guinea. They have completed 14 weeks on job training as part of their final year Public Relations Industrial Engagement Training with National Cultural Commission (NCC) attached with the Public Relations and Media section.
Mr. Steven Enomb Kilanda explain that the National Cultural Commission is a State Agency that is passionate to train, develop, mentor and recruit from the Universities to produce the content as far as culture is concerned. We are moving forward thus, with the limited resources and the capability to develop human resource within our capacity.
University of Papua New Guinea and the National Cultural Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding last year, 2022. It is through this partnership that National Cultural Commission is creating this student internship development pathway as a platform to help train, develop and mentor students every year,” said Mr. Kilanda.
He make mentioned that National Cultural Commission will increase the number of student’s trainees from two to four student’s this year 2023 and onwards. We will establish our new working stations at the new office complex at Monian Tower when we relocate there at the end of the month, April, 2023, said Mr. Kilanda.
We want to recruit University graduates that are young, energetic and that possessed the necessary knowledge and skills.
I congratulated you Clariza Kwembukie and Elijah Bartho acknowledging them for their contributions within the duration of their training with NCC and wishes them all the very best in their future endeavors,” explained Mr. Kilanda.
University of Papua New Guinea spokesperson Mrs. Jocelyn Mark expressed her gratitude towards National Cultural Commission for hosting the farewell ceremony for these two students who will be graduating next year 2024. Mrs. Mark expressed gratitude saying they weren’t expecting such huge ceremonial reception for this farewell gathering. She said this partnership arrangement brings together the two institutions to work together in partnership to train, develop and mentor the students preparing them for employment.
We at University of Papua New Guinea are more than happy to work with the National Cultural Commission under this arrangement where University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) Final year Journalism and Public Relations students are engaged with organizations for their 14 weeks Public Relations practices.
‘’This event now showed that we are doing good at our end in providing these students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to be fitting in any organizations they are engaged to as part of the internship,” explained Mrs. Mark
Ms. Emily Matasororo head of Journalism and Public Relations Strand from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Papua New Guinea also summarized by acknowledging the work put in by National Cultural Commission to welcome and accepted the two trainee students into their organizations. We are grateful that Elijah and Clariza have successfully completed their 14 weeks of training with the National Cultural Commission and they are now job ready,” she said.
We are happy to see our students comes out from this important institution after their industrial practices, thanks to the good Executive Director Mr. Steven Enomb Kilanda for showing the leadership and we believe this is a step towards the right direction for National Cultural Commission as a key development partner, said Ms. Emily Matasororo.
The Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies (IPNGS) was established as a national cultural institution under the National Cultural Council when the Cultural Development Bill was passed
More students are graduating out of the country’s tertiary institutions especially colleges and Universities, but the workforce cannot accommodate for these increasing demands of job
The National Cultural Commission has brought new life to one of the significant and historical sites in the Kudjip area of Jiwaka Province by recognizing and reviving its cultural significance.
The National Cultural Commission (NCC) is a governmental organization under the Ministry of Tourisms. Arts and culture, tasked with promoting, preserving, and safeguarding Papua New Guinea’s rich cultural heritage.
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